If you’ve been in the middle of a career transition for a few months, or even a few weeks, you might be feeling stuck and struggling to find motivation to continue.
Chances are you’ve been thinking about making a change in your career for a long time. Maybe even a couple of years. It takes a lot of courage to make a move, but you finally decided you had to do it.
So you started working on updating your resume, scouring online job boards, and dusting the cobwebs off your LinkedIn profile. You found some jobs that sounded interesting enough, and you went through the arduous process of filling out the online applications.
But after hours of applying, days of agonizing over how to prepare for your interviews, and weeks of balancing your schedule with Zoom interviews and follow up emails, here you are without a single job offer in hand.
Insecurity has crept in, and you’re questioning if you have what it takes to do what you want to do. You feel stuck, frustrated, and uncertain about the future.
There’s a Reason You Feel Overwhelmed
It’s not unique to you. The emotional weight of the job search process, combined with the uncertainty of how and when it will come to an end, is significant. It’s H A R D. It takes tons of time and energy. It’s exhausting, and you don’t know how long it will last.
Not to mention the fact that it’s often in addition to another extremely difficult situation, such as a toxic work environment or your position being eliminated.
You know you are qualified–in fact, you’re overqualified for some of the positions you’ve applied for–and yet, something isn’t working. Why isn’t all of your effort paying off?
It’s not unique to you. The emotional weight of the job search process, combined with the uncertainty of how and when it will come to an end, is significant.
You search Instagram and LinkedIn for inspiration, and you keep seeing posts about staying positive. But in the middle of all the ups and downs of the career transition process, how can you possibly stay positive?!
You know you are qualified–in fact, you’re overqualified for some of the positions you’ve applied for–and yet, something isn’t working. Why isn’t all of your effort paying off?
It’s Ok to Acknowledge the Struggle
I understand how impossible it feels at this point in your journey, and I want you to know that it’s ok to acknowledge the intensity of the situation you’re in. You’re not alone. This is what the vast majority of talented, high-performing professionals face if they spend more than a week looking for a new role.
But here’s what I want you to understand.
Even on the days that you are the most discouraged, you STILL have incredible value to offer! The position you’re currently facing is not easy, but it does not diminish your worth.
Here’s the Advice You Won’t Hear
You won’t hear most motivational speakers say this, but guess what? Some days you just need to take a moment and breathe. Allow yourself to feel disappointed and discouraged. It’s ok! Don’t put pressure on yourself to get over the frustration. Give yourself time to feel it, and then move on.
Even on the days that you are the most discouraged, you STILL have incredible value to offer! The position you’re currently facing is not easy, but it does not diminish your worth.
We all face those challenging moments, and what I’ve found is that some days it’s best not to force yourself to overlook what’s going on in your life.
You can take a day off from your career transition without losing your momentum!
3 Tips for Boosting Your Motivation
When you come back after your day off, you’ll probably be more energized and ready to keep moving forward. But if you’re still feeling overwhelmed, here are a few ways to help keep up your energy and motivation.
You can take a day off from your career transition without losing your momentum!
1. Call a friend.
It’s extremely important that you talk to people you trust in this challenging transition time. You know the people that you can call who will support you no matter what? That’s exactly who you need to talk to. There are times when life seems so overwhelming that you may not *feel* like talking–even to your closest friends–but do it anyway! It’s refreshing to hear from someone else’s point of view when you’re struggling with your own perspective.
2. Remind yourself of your value.
This can be a hard one. You might feel a lot of resistance when you start to think about what you have to offer. If you downplay your abilities anytime someone recognizes you for what you’re great at, this will be a difficult exercise for you, but do it anyway! Grab a pen and paper (yep, I recommend writing by hand for this one), set a timer for 10 minutes, and write out everything you can think that makes you an incredible person. Include every single thing that comes to mind–your skills, your abilities, the way you help other people, the value you add to your team. No matter how small you think it is or how many people you believe do it better than you, write it down. This helps to rewire your brain to focus on your worth, rather than your insecurities.
3. Move your body.
Take some time to get outside. Go for a walk in a beautiful park or neighborhood. Hit the gym. Do some pilates. Put on your favorite playlist and dance around the house. Play with your kids. Don’t let yourself get sucked into the vortex of the online job search world. Step away, and build up those endorphins through whatever physical activity you enjoy. Moving will give your mind and emotions a break, and you’ll come back refreshed and ready for the next step.
You’ve Got This
The reality is that you’re going through a challenging time.
Believe me, I understand.
I’m sorry it’s so hard. But I’m proud of you for taking the steps you need to take to align your career with what’s most important to you!
And I’m here for you.
These 3 tips are just a few of the things you can implement to ensure that you maintain your mental and emotional wellness throughout the process. They won’t erase the challenges you’re facing, but they can help you manage the impact they have on you.
I’m sorry it’s so hard. But I’m proud of you for taking the steps you need to take to align your career with what’s most important to you!
You have incredible value.
You are worth the effort.
You deserve a career that allows you to thrive!